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Universal Engineering / Devlieg Microbore

Universal/Devlieg Inc.
Universal Devlieg Blog

Whether it’s an operator working a boring machine or a robotic manufacturing sequence, a safe industrial facility is essential. A safe working environment protects employees and visitors, as well as prolonging machine life. Beyond preventing accidents, a safety program can increase production, enhance worker performance, and improve profitability. The following are ways to improve safety in your plant.


Are you new to the process of boring? This blog can provide the fundamental information a boring machine operator needs. First, what is the purpose of the boring process? A boring operation employs a cutting tool to widen an existing hole, create or repair cylindrical holes, and finish or semi-finish castings or drilled holes in a workpiece. The following are the ABCs of boring operations.


While the boring process enlarges a pre-drilled hole, reaming is a finishing process that follows the initial bore to finish diameters and surface. High-speed reamers utilize faster speeds and feeds with multi-edge tools tipped with carbide, cermet, or PCD, and thin film coatings improve performance. A step beyond standard reaming, high-speed reaming improves hole quality, achieves closer dimensional tolerance, and delivers exceptional surface finish. High-speed reamers offer multiple configurations, including expandable, solid, and replaceable ring reamers. As parts are reamed, a high-performance reamer will start to wear. Consequently, using a high-quality metalworking fluid is critical to assure part quality and extend tool life. When using metalworking lubricant, be sure it reaches the cutting edges for prolonged tool life. Other high-speed reamer performance considerations include:

Generally, a boring project will focus on pre-drilled holes' sizing, concentricity, and straightness. Operators achieve these three objectives by enlarging the holes while adhering to the specifications of the project using different boring machines. Types of boring machines include vertical, horizontal, and jig to meet standard boring requirements. However, if the project requires demanding machining and materials, more complex boring procedures are needed, such as:

As with much of the manufacturing industry, automation is a significant part of the boring When deciding to use an automated boring machine, the operator needs to consider the application, the precision required, power needed, the cost vs profit, and the time constraints to meet any deadlines. Let’s look at the different types of machines used in boring automation.

Boring heads hold cutters, which are the tools that actually remove material, in position as they rotate to bore holes to the specified diameter. There are several boring head options for boring holes and secondary boring operations that could be applied to that simple operation. Let’s review some of the different ones.


The process of machine boring provides many advantages beyond enlarging a previously drilled hole to the required size and finish. When done with a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine, the multiple benefits of boring machining include:

A boring project that meets all the specified requirements of enlarging a pre-drilled hole starts with knowing the fundamentals. While experienced machinists are well-versed in these boring basics, the beginning operator will find this six-step checklist helpful.

When boring on milling machines, it is generally more complicated than operations on turning machines, such as a lathe. A lathe moves the boring tool in increments. On the other hand, the boring tool or boring head needs adjustments to produce the correct hole size when performing the operation on a mill. Lathe boring tools can make holes of any size, provided the bar fits into the holes. However, boring heads are limited to a specific range on milling machines. Because the boring bar on a mill must be adjustable to achieve the correct size using an adjustable boring head, the setup can be more complex for the operator. 

When setting up a boring project, the operator has the choice between a carbide or steel boring bar. The question is which one? In this blog we provide information to help make that choice.


Steel Boring Bars

The standard steel boring bar has a common length to diameter ratio of 3 to 1. However, an operator can make adjustments to achieve ratios of 4 to 1 or 5 to 1. A length to diameter ratios of 10 to 1 can be attained when using a steel dampened boring bar. A steel bar can be modified while it is more difficult with a carbide boring bar.


Carbide Boring Bars

A carbide bar offers diameter ratios up to 6 to 1 with 14 to 1 ratio possible with carbide reinforced dampened bars. While a steel boring bar is somewhat flexible, carbide is extremely rigid, allowing for a much higher stickout with less chatter.  

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