1270 Agricola Drive, Saginaw, Michigan 48604 USA 989.752.3077 | Toll Free: 877.308.3077sales@universaldevlieg.com

1270 Agricola Drive, Saginaw, Michigan 48604 USA

Ph: 989.752.3077 | Toll Free:877.308.3077


Universal Engineering / Devlieg Microbore

Universal/Devlieg Inc.

Maintaining Manufacturing Safety

Whether it’s an operator working a boring machine or a robotic manufacturing sequence, a safe industrial facility is essential. A safe working environment protects employees and visitors, as well as prolonging machine life. Beyond preventing accidents, a safety program can increase production, enhance worker performance, and improve profitability. The following are ways to improve safety in your plant.


Evaluation, Implementation, and Training

Designate a safety director to establish a program and schedule regular training sessions for all workers. This process should begin by identifying potential risks and ways to eliminate or minimize them. This identification needs to include manufacturing processes, equipment, and technology, and extend to outside risks, such as severe weather and intruder procedures.


Industry is always evolving, and your safety program will need to adapt to changes. Your safety procedures need to be reviewed periodically to assure the safety and security of your people and facility.


A critical part of your safety program needs to address the security of your plant. First, ensure that you know who is entering your building. Employee and vehicle verification at entry points, will improve workplace safety significantly. This type of system whether manual, digital or a combination validates that people entering your facility have the authority to be there.

Additionally, integrating safety and security procedures, will increase the effectiveness of the program. A centralized control room that incorporates the surveillance systems, fire alarms, and access control results in better monitoring, response time, and less false alarms. 

Universal DeVlieg provides innovative and cost-cutting tool holding and high precision boring solutions to the machine tool industry, servicing a diversified customer base. The combination of over 32,000 active part numbers, over 10,000 standard items, and our technical support staff deliver design engineering expertise that is unmatched in the industry. To learn more about Universal DeVlieg, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 877.308.3077 or visit at universaldevlieg.com. 

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